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Career Blogs


Competition Commission of India (CCI) – Role, Functions and Challenges

The Competition Commission of India (CCI) was established through the competition Commission Act 2002. The CCI has one Chairman and six members appointed by the central government  It is a statutory body and it's aim is to eliminate the discriminatory practices which have an adverse impact on the competition between the business houses or companies.   Role of Competition Commission of India: 1. Support economic growth: As it aims to provide equal opportunity to every person or industry which leads to the development of the economy. 2. Ensure free trade: It is a body that has the power to take legal action against unfair competition. 3....

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Difference between Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha

The parliament is the supreme legislative body of India. Basically, the parliament is composed of three main components, These are the following; President Rajya Sabha (Council of States) Lok Sabha (House of the People) In this article, we will understand the difference between the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha. This article will be beneficial to all those who want to understand the working procedures of the parliament and to those who are preparing for competitive exams for government jobs especially UPSC. So let's start the topic: In our democracy, both houses have a very important role. The Parliament has the central or supreme position in...

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Unorganised Sector In India

Any economy of the world is divided into two sectors (based on the nature of employment) one is the organised sector and the other one is the unorganised sector, their contribution to the economy varies from country to country. Most of the developed countries are dominated by organised sector but in the developing and the third world country, the unorganised sector is prevalent. The unorganised sector is also known as the informal sector. What is the difference between organised sector and unorganised sector? In organised sector, employees work under fixed terms and conditions with a given timing but in an unorganised sector, no rules are...

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Problems faced by farmers

Farmers are called Annadatta in India as they have taken a big responsibility of the production of crops but the changing scenario has created many problems for the farmers in India. Before discussing the various problems faced by the farmers let us understand some basic concepts regarding agriculture in India. So that we will be able to understand the problems of Indian agriculture and various problems faced by Indian farmers. Approximately 55% of the population depend on agriculture for their day-to-day life that is why agriculture is known as the basic culture of our country. The agriculture sector is called the primary sector in the...

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Fundamental Duties in Indian Constitution

Part IVA, Article 51 A of the constitution contains the Fundamental Duties. It was included in the constitution by the 42nd Amendment of the Constitution in 1976. There is a total of 11 fundamental duties mentioned in the constitution. Let us discuss the history, importance, criticism, and benefits of the Fundamental Duties in detail. History of Fundamental Duties: Fundamental duties are one of the most important parts of the Indian constitution as it gives guidance and also puts some moral obligations on the citizens of India. Initially, our constitutional framers did not include any fundamental duty in the constitution. However, with time it was felt by the government...

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Banking Blogs

Masti Time

gf – bf

So, what exactly is a girlfriend (gf) or boyfriend (bf)? A girlfriend or boyfriend is a person with whom you share a romantic relationship. They are someone you are deeply connected to, love, and care for. Spending time together, going on dates, and sharing thoughts and feelings are all part of a gf/bf relationship. The...

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