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Career Blogs


Role of Entrepreneurship in Economic Development

Before discussing the role of entrepreneurship in the economic development of a country, let us discuss who is an entrepreneur and what is entrepreneurship, and the types of entrepreneurship in brief. We will also discuss the challenges or the difficulties faced by the entrepreneurs and the ways to eliminate those difficulties, later in this article.   Who is an entrepreneur: An entrepreneur is a person who establishes and succeeds in startups or businesses in which risk and profits are involved. (A startup is a new company started by one or more entrepreneurs with an aim to develop a unique product or service and introduce it...

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Biodiversity Hotspots in India

What is Biodiversity? Biodiversity means the "diversity of biological organisms in a particular habitat". In simple words, it refers to a particular area or habitat where a variety of living organisms (or different species of plants and animals) lives. The UN Earth Summit has defined biodiversity as "the variability among living organisms from all sources, of ecosystems like terrestrial, marine and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes of which they are part: this includes diversity within species, between species and of ecosystems". What is Biodiversity Hotspot? Mr. Norman Myers coined the term "biodiversity hotspot" in 1988. Biodiversity hotspots can be understood as a place where various types of species...

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Organic Farming

"We should preserve every scrap of biodiversity as priceless while we learn to use it and come to understand what it means to humanity." - E. O. Wilson The system of organic farming is different from traditional farming. Organic farming aims to retain the soil properties by using biological materials such as organic wastes (crop residue, animal manure, aquatics wastes, etc.). In traditional farming, chemical fertilizers and pesticides are used which degrade the soil and negatively impact the environment and ecology. Organic farming focuses on ecological balance through crop rotation, green manures, organic waste, and biological pest control. It avoids using petrochemical synthetic fertilizers and...

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United Nations (UN)

"The UN was not created to take mankind to heaven, but to save humanity from hell." - Dag Hammarskjöld, 2nd Secretary-General of United Nations)   The devastating and terrible consequences of the second world war (1939-45) forced the eminent intellectuals to think for a platform that could bring peace and harmony among the countries and could resolve the conflicts between the countries so that such disastrous war could be avoided in the future and hence the United Nations (UN) was established on 24 Oct 1945 (celebrated as UN day). Even after the first world war (1914-18), a similar attempt was made and an organization named...

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Preamble to the Constitution of India

The concept of preamble was borrowed from the American constitution. In fact, America was the first country to adopt the Preamble in its constitution. The preamble of Indian constitution is introductory in nature. However, It gives a brief overview of the objectives and the philosophy of our constitution. The first meeting of the constituent assembly was held on December 9, 1946. On December 13, 1946, An objective resolution was presented by Mr. Jawahar Lal Nehru which provided the basis for the philosophy and objectives of our constitution i.e the Preamble. Mr. N. A. Palkhiyala (an eminent jurist and a constitutional expert) called Preamble as the...

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Banking Blogs

Masti Time

gf – bf

So, what exactly is a girlfriend (gf) or boyfriend (bf)? A girlfriend or boyfriend is a person with whom you share a romantic relationship. They are someone you are deeply connected to, love, and care for. Spending time together, going on dates, and sharing thoughts and feelings are all part of a gf/bf relationship. The...

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