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Career Blogs

Syllabus for UPSC Civil Services (IAS) Exam

The UPSC Civil Services Exam is one of the most prestigious exams in India. This Exam is very popularly known as the IAS Exam. The full form of "IAS" is "Indian Administrative Service" and the dream of most of the Civil Services aspirants is to become an IAS officer. In this article, the complete syllabus of the UPSC exam is given. [Hey are you a beginner and start to prepare for the UPSC exam from zero levels. If yes, then click here.]   The UPSC civil services exam is held in three stages; Prelims (Preliminary Exam) Mains (Main Exam) Interview However, As per the official...

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SSC Junior Engineer (JE) Syllabus and important dates

The SSC (Staff Selection Commission) has released an official notification on 01.10.20 for the recruitment of Junior Engineers (civil, mechanical, electrical, and quantity surveying and contract). Click here to download the official notification by SSC. The SSC Junior Engineer (JE) Examination consists of two papers i.e. Paper-I (Objective Type) and Paper-II (Descriptive Type). Details of these Papers are as below; NOTE: The candidates will be required to attempt the General Engineering part (i.e. Part-A, Part-B or Part-C) in Paper-I and Paper-II, on the basis of their educational qualification. For example, candidates appearing for the post of Junior Engineer (Civil) & Junior Engineer (Quantity Surveying & Contracts) are...

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7 Best job websites in India

Online job search has revolutionized the world. Most of the companies or employers have become completely dependent on online job portals for their recruitment needs. However, before searching for a job, we must have an idea of good and trustworthy job portals. In this article, I have listed down the 7 best job websites in India. However, before starting this article, two very important tips, which will make your job search easier and convenient are given below.   Tips for job search through websites: 1. Always update your resume (daily, if possible). This is very simple but very very effective. Because the updated resumes always...

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Common Interview Questions and Answers

Interview is not as easy as we think. Utmost focus and emphasis must be given on Preparation. Mostly, the interviewers use the standard set of questions or patterns but sometimes they may ask out of the box or unusual types of questions including job-specific questions that land the candidate in confusion. Here, we will go through some most commonly asked interview questions and their sample answers that will help us get over the nervousness when on the interview table. Preparing these questions well in advance will enhance the confidence from the start of the interview and the candidate feel more relaxed that helps him set...

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Earn extra income while working full time (YouTube Special)

Part-time earning or extra income is a dream of most of the persons in this world. Either you are a salaried person, student, businessman, Retired person, housewife or unemployed, extra income is always good. In this article, I will list out two most efficient ways to earn extra money without affecting your present job or profession. But why I am so confident about these earning methods? It is because; I am also using these two techniques for my part-time income with my regular job. At present, I am easily making Rs. 50,000 to 60,000 in a month. However, this is not enough and I have...

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Directive Principles of State Policy (DPSP)

Directive Principles of State Policy (DPSP) are included in Part IV – Article 36 to 51 of the Indian constitution. The concept of the Directive principle of State Policy (DPSP) is taken from the Irish constitution. Directive Principles of state policy are a set of instructions contained in Articles 36 to 51, which aims to promote the concept of justice, liberty, equality, and fraternity. The constitution-makers wanted that the state should always consider the instructions mentioned in the DPSP while formulating their policies. These are non-justiciable in nature but very important for the political development and upliftment of the socio-economic condition of the citizens. Granville...

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The President of India – Powers and Functions

In the Indian Constitution, Article 52 to 78 (Part 5) deal with the union executive which consists of the following; The president The vice president The Prime Minister The council of ministers The Attorney General of India    The President is the head of the country and he is called as the first citizen of India. He acts as a symbol of Integrity and Unity of the nation. President is called a guide, friend and philosopher.   Who elects the president of India? The Indian President is elected indirectly by the members of the electoral college which consist of elected members of both Houses of...

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South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC)

The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) was established by signing the SAARC Charter in Dhaka on 8 December 1985. In 1980, The idea of regional cooperation in South Asia was raised for the first time. After consultations, the foreign secretaries of the seven founding countries, 7 countries were ready to establish regional cooperation. These were — Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka—met for the first time in Colombo in April 1981. However, SAARC was formally established on 8 December 1985. Afghanistan is the newest member of SAARC which joined SAARC at the 13th annual summit in 2005. The Headquarters and...

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Women Empowerment Essay (1000+ words) – Complete Explanation

“I measure the progress of a community by the degree of progress which women have achieved” - B. R. Ambedkar   According to United Nations, Women’s empowerment has five components: Women’s sense of self-worth; Their right to have and to determine choices; Their right to have access to opportunities and resources; Their right to have the power to control their own lives, both within and outside the home; Their ability to influence the direction of social change to create more just social and economic order, nationally and internationally.   Status of women empowerment over the ages:- In Rig Veda same status is given to men...

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Fundamental Rights: Part III (Article 12 -35) – List of all Fundamental Rights in India

The fundamental rights are included in Part III (Article 12 to 35) of the constitution of India. In this article, the following topics will be discussed; Features of the fundamental rights  Types of the fundamental rights  Some landmark Judiciary judgments related to fundamental rights The concept of fundamental rights is taken (borrowed) from the constitution of the USA where it is known as the bill of rights. The fundamental rights are called as Magna Carta of the constitution.   Features of the fundamental rights: It's a comprehensive description of individual rights and is justifiable in nature. Fundamental rights aim to establish a government of law...

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Banking Blogs

Masti Time

gf – bf

So, what exactly is a girlfriend (gf) or boyfriend (bf)? A girlfriend or boyfriend is a person with whom you share a romantic relationship. They are someone you are deeply connected to, love, and care for. Spending time together, going on dates, and sharing thoughts and feelings are all part of a gf/bf relationship. The...

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