Paris Climate Deal (Paris Agreement)

Paris Climate Deal (Paris Climate Accord or Paris agreement) is a globally accepted agreement to cut carbon emission rates in a well-determined timeline and manner. Paris climate Accord became the bedrock on which the future structure of climate change was to be built and thus gains immense importance In this article, we will deal with the various perspectives of the

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Botanical Survey of India

India has rich flora and Fauna. In India, different types of vegetation are found like tropical, temperate, alpine, and desert vegetation. India has also four Biological Hotspot which shows the presence of endemic plant varieties. Botanical Survey of India (BSI) is an apex research organization of our country which is engaged in survey, study, utilization, and conservation of plant wealth

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Paramilitary Forces in India

Paramilitary forces are Semi-militarized forces whose organizational structure, tactics, and function are similar to a professional military, but not formally the country’s armed forces. Eight (8) paramilitary forces are present in India, these are CISF, SSB, ITBP, CRPF, BSF, NSG, ASSAM RIFLES, and INDIAN COAST GUARD. This group of eight paramilitary forces is known as the Central Paramilitary forces (CPMF).

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Polar Vortex and its Impact on Climate

What is polar vortex? The polar vortex is a Geographical phenomenon in which a large area surrounding both the poles of the Earth experiences low pressure and cold air. It mostly exists close to the poles, but its location and intensity vary from time to time. The polar Vortex becomes strong in winter and weakens during summer.  Each polar vortex is

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Types of Forests in India

As per the India State of Forest (ISF) 2019 report, the total forest cover of the country is 712,249 square kilometers ( 21.67 percent of India’s total geographical area). A great variety of forests are found in different parts of India due to unequal distribution of rainfall and temperature as well as their seasonal variation, besides varied edaphic and biotic

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Poverty alleviation programmes in India

Gandhi Ji once said that “poverty is the worst form of violence” Poverty can be defined as the condition in which a person or a community lacks of basic amenities like health, education, sanitation, etc. The government of India has formulated many programmes or schemes for the alleviation of poverty from India. However, before understanding about the various poverty

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What is democracy and difference between direct and indirect democracy

In this article, we will discuss the following topics; 1. What is democracy? 2. Features of democracy. 3. Difference between direct and indirect democracy. 4. Why India adopted indirect democracy? 5. How Indian parliamentary system of democracy is different from Britisher’s system? What is Democracy? “Democracy is a government of the people, by the people and for the

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